Tory has been created from a sculpt by Michelle Fagan.
He has been colored using my own mix of Genesis Heat Set Paints, painted in many layers.
You can't rub or wash the paint off as it's permanent.
I've inserted a strong magnet into Tory's head so he can take a magnetic pacifier
- so care must be taken around certain electrical items and people with pacemakers.
Tory has 3/4 limbs.
Tory's hair is micro rooted with blond Premium Angora Mohair from USA,
it is soft and silky. It has been rooted 1-2 strand at a time.
You can gently wet and style his hair as desired, it has been
fully secured inside with a strong waterproof glue.
(Tory has been sculpted with a little heart behind the right ear)
Tory has been given a soft, cuddly and jointed body. It is filled with stainless steel granules, poly pellets and fiberfill.
His limbs are filled with natural rubber granules and fiberfill.
His head is filled with a sealed bag of poly pellets, stainless stell granules and fiberfill,
and needs support like a real baby.

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